Marijuana is a harmful substance that I strongly oppose The fact that the leaders want to legalize it is surprising. If legalized, teens will always choose smoking over boring classes, which will result in addiction becoming a greater cause of mishaps in the future.
The deadly intersection: TB and tobacco smoking co-epidemics in Indonesia
A tiger with its mouth open
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In the lead up to World No Tobacco Day later this month, it is high time we recognise and effectively address the deadly synergy between the two epidemics that fuel each other: tobacco use and tuberculosis (TB). Tobacco is the single-largest preventable cause of death worldwide and TB continues to be the deadliest of infectious diseases in high burden countries (even despite the COVID-19 pandemic).
Whenever I write about Turkey’s President Erdogan, I find it hard to articulate what kind of legacy this man wants to leave behind. He had every opportunity to become a great leader of a great nation but miserably failed. His self-aggrandizement, fake religious zeal, and ever-growing lust for power prevented him from discerning what was best for his country and how to become a constructive and truthful leader, admired and respected at home and abroad, which he so desperately desired.
Love, Forgiveness, Kindness, Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, Peace and Literature
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