During my university years, I once heard someone say that the United States is the land of the melting pot. I always pondered the strange terms referenced and wanted to know the contents that were melting.
When I first arrived in the US, the phrase revealed and unfolded itself like an origami that is both expected and surprising simultaneously. The journey from the airport to the place I stayed in, I saw people from various countries: race, culture, ethnicity, and color. The sudden awareness of the true meaning made me feel special as I was now a part of the pot too.
Love, Forgiveness, Kindness, Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, Peace and Literature
To promote freedom, democracy, anti-terrorism, Literature, women rights, public health, peace and empowerment (http://mediaforfreedom.com) has a strong role to play. Its activities support Peace, Public health, Democracy, Freedom, Human rights, Women/Children, development in societies undergoing crisis and changes. In fact, mediaforfreedom has set objectives like research on contemporary issues, conduct regular media watch, networking with relevant organizations and training for journalist and so on. The contributors are fully responsible for their articles, news and do not represent the views of mediaforfreedom.com. Contributors and editor will not be paid. Articles, News and Press releases should be directed to the editor to Kamala B. Sarup at kamalasarup@gmail.com