On the behavior plan, there is a thought or action to transfer behavior from the men to the women; no doubt the people will like this. At present, the some people prefer to send certain and specific amounts to the love to men and women. It seems that some of the men will send massive sums of kindness, respect and love to the people as an act of human kindness. The best that can be done is to continue with good behavior, which takes time from the kind of classes of the men and spreads it to the people.
The disparity in state spending on prison has risen nearly 3 times in comparison to education whereas in some states like Colorado, South Dakota and, Wyoming the number has raised up to 5, 6 and 7 respectively. I believe this is a serious dilemma.
America’s Prisons Are Outrageously Unjust Even a cursory review of our prison system reveals the outrageous inhumanity to which hundreds of thousands of prisoners, especially young adults, are subjected to, many of whom are imprisoned for non-violent crimes, sometimes for life.
Love, Forgiveness, Kindness, Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, Peace and Literature
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