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The Jewish Museum in New York City is currently presenting the work of Chaim Soutine (1893-1943), featuring just over thirty paintings by one of the most distinctive and significant artists of the early twentieth century. Focusing on still life paintings, of which he was a master, "Chaim Soutine: Flesh" includes his vigorous depictions of various slaughtered animals - of beef carcasses, hanging fowl, and game.
Artwork by Michael Anderson and Sam Ben-Meir The decertification of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by Trump is most unfortunate. It seems that Trump was not swayed by either France’s President Macron or Germany’s Chancellor Merkel to preserve the deal.
“The darkness of egoism which will have to be destroyed is the egoism of the Nation. The ideal of India is against the intense consciousness of the separateness of one’s own people from others, which inevitably leads to ceaseless conflicts. There my prayer is ‘let India stand for the cooperation of all the people of the world.’”
Love, Forgiveness, Kindness, Democracy, Human Rights, Freedom, Peace and Literature
To promote freedom, democracy, anti-terrorism, Literature, women rights, public health, peace and empowerment (http://mediaforfreedom.com) has a strong role to play. Its activities support Peace, Public health, Democracy, Freedom, Human rights, Women/Children, development in societies undergoing crisis and changes. In fact, mediaforfreedom has set objectives like research on contemporary issues, conduct regular media watch, networking with relevant organizations and training for journalist and so on. The contributors are fully responsible for their articles, news and do not represent the views of mediaforfreedom.com. Contributors and editor will not be paid. Articles, News and Press releases should be directed to the editor to Kamala B. Sarup at kamalasarup@gmail.com