How the Warmongering Camp Make the Word Literally Bankrupt


By Yurii Sheliazhenko, World BEYOND War, October 16, 2022

In the media wing of the U.S. military-industrial complex, The Atlantic magazine hosts the loudest team of cheerleaders of war. Using their online archive, you could see that from the first issue in 1857 to the current publications the magazine preserves an old pamphleteering spirit capable of waking up any nest of hornets, as Mark Twain put it in the immortal short story “Journalism in Tennessee.”


Covid And Provence


How Kelly Lavorgna, Andrew Bares and chef Adam Bowen supported the culinary industry.


The Fallacy Of Tying The Occupation To Israel’s Security


The opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian state by many Israelis is based on national security concerns, which presumably offers a justification for the continuing occupation. The truth is that the occupation itself—not a Palestinian state—poses the gravest danger to Israel’s security

Righting the Wrong


Miracles take place for love.


By Kamala Sarup

It's the real story.

"I can't be proud unless I'm fortunate enough to marry your friend." My colleague Bikal spoke, kindling a cigarette while he was sitting by the balcony one night. "You're in Kathmandu." Is she going to protect her youth for you here in the village? "I smiled at him and told him."


Life is a battle.


By Kamala Sarup

That's the real story.

The stable mountain of intact pain collapsed. All the leaves fell and the environment was frightening. My friend Gyanu is out of work. The death of his grandmother was unpleasant. Death pulled down the potential right of her life and she left to never come back.


An unfaithful heart.


By Kamala Sarup 

It's the real story. 

Navin left the house. He put on his shoes and hit the street in a hurry. He didn't tell his wife, he was leaving. In the last seven years, he used to go out after breakfast and tea. He always did that after work. Today, however, he rushed out when his wife was busy making tea in the kitchen. 


Opposing War Together With Libertarians

Author: By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, October 7, 2022

I’ve just read In Search of Monsters to Destroy by Christopher J. Coyne. It’s published by the Independent Institute (which seems dedicated to untaxing the rich, destroying socialism, and so forth). The book begins by citing as influences both peace advocates and rightwing economists.



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