
Embracing Cape May's Arts Scene and Jacob Pierri


Cape May buzzes with the vibrancy of music, dance, and theater, and my journey into these realms is fueled by deep-seated passion and unwavering dedication. For me, finding solace and fulfillment in these artistic expressions is akin to nurturing the soul. My immersion in Cape May's theater community was sparked by a heartfelt desire to contribute and connect. Upon discovering that our beloved late colleague, Jacob Pierri, was involved with Cape May stage, I seized the opportunity to join in.


Stop legalizing marijuana.


Stop legalizing marijuana.

-Kamala Sarup

Marijuana is a harmful substance that I strongly oppose The fact that the leaders want to legalize it is surprising. If legalized, teens will always choose smoking over boring classes, which will result in addiction becoming a greater cause of mishaps in the future.


United States unites for Peace in Israel and Palestine


Kamala Sarup

People across the United States are coming together in big cities to ask Israel and Hamas, a group in Palestine, to stop fighting. I joined this effort too. I'm suggesting that Israel and Palestine should stop fighting and try to find a way to end the wars without making things worse. To achieve long-lasting peace between the two countries, I think there should be two steps.


Peace is a Result of Negotiations


By Kamala Sarup,

Published in Cape May County Herald.

The pursuit of amicable solutions holds promise in a society still grappling with the aftermath of conflict. Beyond endorsing peace talks globally, whether in the Middle East, Red Sea or between Russia and Ukraine, I advocate for a comprehensive strategy to restore peace. I implore all parties involved to collaborate and find a solution, recognizing the challenges posed by escalating military tensions with Russia, Ukraine and the Middle East.


Exploring the Cape Collection for Unforgettable Adventures


-Kamala Sarup

For those looking for the ideal combination of nature, beaches, shorelines, and adventure, Cape May is an enticing place that provides a lovely escape. Kelly Lavorgna and Andrew Bares are at the forefront of promoting the hospitality industry, having unveiled the Cape Collection - a beacon of excellence that beckons guests to explore the delights of New Jersey and breathe vitality into the region's economy.


My Culinary Journey in Cape May: Empowering Women in the Food Industry


My Culinary Journey in Cape May: Empowering Women in the Food Industry -Kamala Sarup

Cape May's culinary industry offers diverse investment opportunities, catering to individuals from all walks of life. When basic training and support conditions are met, employees can effectively use aid and investment resources to generate higher incomes. Collaboration with local authorities plays a vital role in successful regional development initiatives.


Nepal: People In Search Of A Future


Nepal: People In Search Of A Future A desire for job, security and opportunity is sending many of Nepal's young people out of the county in search of better lives. "I feel secure. My son goes to school regularly and my husband has started to work," she said. "At least no one will come in the middle of the night and threaten us like in Nepal. At least our lives are not in danger here."


Nepal's troubled society

Political theory holds that a sustainable politics


Political theory holds that a sustainable politics will engender a type of cooperation between the elected representatives of the people which results in accomplishments that are useful to the people who elected them rather than the representatives themselves.

When political deadlocks cause a static condition, or the elected representatives only care about their own personal wealth and accomplishments, such a democracy can easily give rise to a condition which is ripe for social unrest, even revolution or rebellion.


Women, Illegal Drugs


Women, Illegal Drugs

Kamala Sarup | The United Nations April 19 adopted a new framework for drug control and made a report which states, “…to address and counter the world drug problem, appropriate emphasis should be placed, on individuals, families, communities and society as a whole, with a view to promoting and protecting the health, safety and well-being of all humanity.”Drug traffickers exploit the naivety of women.



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